
Fonds Innovexport comprises twenty-five experienced entrepreneurs, as well as the Government of Quebec represented by Investissement Québec, the fonds espace cdpq de la Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec, Desjardins - Innovatech, the Fonds de solidarité FTQ, and Fondaction CSN.

Its mission: support seeding and start-ups of innovative businesses for international markets to shape the future of Quebec.



125 Boulevard Charest East
2nd floor, Québec City, Qc, Canada

Investment sought

  • Seed Round
  • Investment sectors

  • Consumer products & services (B2C)
  • Information Technology & Telecommunications (ITC)
  • Investment status

  • Fully invested or is no longer seeking
  • Investment limits (in millions)

    Min : N/A

    Max : N/A

    Deal limits (in millions)

    Min : N/A

    Max : N/A