Events repertory |

Réseau Capital’s young professional “Nouvelle Generation” Committee in collaboration with “Elle-Invest” committee invites you to kickstart your day by joining your peers for a virtual morning coffee. In the typical format of a round table, participants will join a small group to exchange on a particular theme.
This is a unique opportunity to expand one’s network virtually, while simultaneously sharing knowledge and experiences with peers.
For this third edition, participants can choose amongst the following round table topics: (1) innovation and economic growth, (2) The challenges of the woman investor from yesterday to today, (3) How to maintain a work/life balance during and after COVID, (4) Best practices in recruiting to encourage diversity and (5) Optimizing career progression.
Whether you have subject matter expertise or simply wish to learn more, this is a venue to informally exchange with peers who have similar interests.
This round table is open to anyone across Canada in the investment community or any other related industry.