31st edition – Investment Capital Convention | SOLD OUT

31st edition – Investment Capital Convention | SOLD OUT

calendar February 16th

31st edition – Investment Capital Convention | SOLD OUT

Marriott Château Champlain7:30am to 7:00pm

February 16th2023

This year, Réseau Capital presents the 31st edition of its annual invastment capital convention under the honorary presidency of Ms. Janie Béïque, President and CEO of the Fonds de Solidarité FTQ, and Mr. Patrick Pichette, Partner at Inovia.

Given the global, climatic, societal and geopolitical challenges we face, our society is at a crossroads. The investment capital industry is a key player in building the future of this society.

Under the theme “Act Now!”, this one-day conference will allow you to deepen your knowledge and fuel your reflections in order to make high-impact, sustainable choices from a long-term perspective thanks to high-level speakers and highly topical content.

Don’t miss this opportunity to deepen your relationships with industry leaders, whether you are an investor or a player in the venture capital or development capital industry, a player in the innovation ecosystem, an important player in economic development or an entrepreneur.




map 1050 De La Gauchetière West
Montreal H3B 4C9